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This entry contains a theory-to-practice paper written in SDAD 5400: Student Development Theory, Research, and Practice. In this paper, I utilize Community Cultural Wealth (Yosso, 2005) as a framework for developing adequate support for Latinx students involved in Fraternity & Sorority Life.
This entry demonstrates my ability to critically examine systems and generate solutions that support the success and wellbeing of marginalized student populations. Through this assignment, I deepened my understanding of and commitment to furthering equity within my position as a student affairs professional.
This entry addresses SDA Learning Outcomes:
2. Understanding students and student issues
4. Understanding and fostering diversity, justice and a sustainable world formed by a global perspective and Jesuit Catholic tradition
5. Adapting student services to specific environments and cultures
7. Utilizing assessment, evaluation, technology, and research to improve practice

artifact c2:
theory-to-practice application 

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