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Thank you to all who supported and inspired me along this journey.




Dr. Paige Gardner, Erin Swezey, and Dr. Erica Yamamura---you have absolutely been my rock over these past two years. You have shown me patience, compassion, grace, encouragement, and care. Each of you has had a profound impact on my development as a person and professional. I couldn't have asked for a better team of educators to have learned from!


You are the reason that I'm here today. You've shared with me your stories, wisdom, encouragement, respect, and love. You taught me that education was an opportunity to do great things. Repeatedly, you've lifted me up during my difficult days and helped me achieve milestones that I never imagined myself accomplishing. I love you, and I'm so grateful to have each of you in my life.



Jen Hickman, Mikaela Wallin, Sydney Lobosco, Emma Silvers, and Chris Fiorello---Thank you for all the one-on-ones, creating spaces for discernment and asking questions, connecting me with colleagues, and providing me opportunities to grow and challenge myself over these past few years. You have given me the gift of confidence and a network of support that I know will be long-lasting.


My Seattle U friends! I don't have enough space or photos to capture all who have impacted me throughout my time here. We formed connections through classes, work, and involvement with SUSDA. You have been listeners, collaborators, supporters, and co-conspirators. I'm so glad to have met each of you!

friends, peers, & colleagues

Outside of my SDA life, there were additional loved ones supporting me in this journey. The past few years of my life have been full of love and kindness from my chosen family. Some of our relationships are long-lasting, while others are relatively new (but still very impactful). Thank you for inspiring and encouraging me in my difficult times. I have so much love for you.

chosen family & other loved ones

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Marta Cady was the Associate Dean of Student Support during my time as an undergraduate student at the University of Puget Sound. I had the pleasure of working with her through Orientation and interpersonal violence prevention on campus. Marta was an alumnx of the SDA program and my first student affairs mentor. She embodied kindness, dedication, and servant leadership in her work with students. She taught me about the resilience of sexual violence survivors and inspired me to speak up for what I believe in order to support student safety and wellbeing. I'll never forget the impact that she had on me. Thinking of you, Marta.

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